Glass Classrooms

Turning Point School recently launched a new “Glass Classrooms” project. Glass Classrooms allows anyone, from any location to virtually “sit in” on a lesson or activity and learn more about the research-based methods that inform the curricula and inspire truly successful learning. Glass Classrooms is housed and archived on YouTube, with a corresponding page on the school’s website where various themes will be featured ( Also included is a Glossary of Terms that further explain the key concepts and words being demonstrated in the videos.

Glass Classrooms was originally created as a professional development tool that allowed Faculty and Staff to observe and celebrate the great work being done throughout the campus and the community at large. It created a venue where they could share best practices, applaud the infusion of core values, increase programmatic knowledge, and demonstrate creative pedagogical approaches.

As it has evolved, Glass Classrooms can now broadly showcase the unique qualities that distinguish Turning Point as an exceptional community that instills a joy of lifelong learning in all of its students.