AUP Speaks (and is heard!)
To culminate the inaugural year of American University Preparatory School (AUP) in Los Angeles, the school hosted an event called AUP Speaks. The event took place on Friday, May 29th at the L.A. Hotel Downtown. Guests included academics from UCLA and USC, local non-profits, community leaders, consulate representatives, and independent professionals. AUP Speaks was created […]
Community Service Heroes
This week, seven Ranney Lower School students and one Middle School student were named Heroes of the Week by a local breast cancer charity called Breast Intentions. The students—second graders James Lawson, Gavin Jones, Cole Serrapica, Sophia Behar, Henry Alston and Desmond Pepe along with sixth-grader Sam Alston and fourth-grader Andrew Pepe—decided on their own […]
Fifth Grade Science: Teaching Measurement Via NEAL
At Powhatan School we use an approach called Nature Enhanced Approach to Learning (NEAL). NEAL is a lens through which we can teach any or all components of our curriculum. We use it to bring our students outside into the natural world and to bring the natural world indoors to our students. Mrs. Kesler, a […]
The Lindy 500 Kinetic Sculpture Race
This contest wasn’t just about speed, or style, or creativity, or engineering integrity, or wit. (Although those attributes earned points.) Riverdale’s Lindy 500 this year honored sustained effort, and the winning entry, The High-Top, earned its place through hours of out-of-class time on designing and building a fleeter sneaker. Named for the school’s Linda M. […]
Wema 500: Mission Possible – Reading For A Cause
For the second year in a row, fifth graders at Rye Country Day School partnered with Wema Children’s Centre in Bukembe village, a rural community in western Kenya. During the 2013-14 academic year, students at RCDS and Wema read Lois Lowry’s Number the Stars and responded to a wide range of questions on a shared […]
Kent Place Junior Advances to the National History Day National Competition
Kent Place School is pleased to announce that junior Lauren Burr of Maplewood advanced to the Kenneth E. Behring National History Day Contest’s National competition. National History Day (NHD) is a non-profit educational organization based in College Park, MD. NHD offers yearlong academic programs that engage middle and high school students in conducting original research […]
How The Price of Avocados Explains New York
What does the price of avocados have to do with ninth-grade history? History depends on evidence, and in today’s world, evidence is data. By doing their own research about the price of avocados and then mining their data, students were able to analyze differences in New York City’s micromarkets and draw conclusions about the economic […]
Laurel School Students Express Concern for Human Impact
Fifth Graders at Laurel School, in Shaker Heights, Ohio, learn about renewable energy sources and human impact on the environment through a project inspired by the work of Ansel Adams who used photography to capture the beauty he saw in nature and to share with the world his environmental concerns. Laurel Fifth Graders do the […]
Global Perspective Inspires Fourth Graders to Find Solutions
Presbyterian Day School wants to foster critical, creative, and sophisticated thinkers. Teachers make use of Harvard’s “Visible Thinking” routines, and students frequently explore issues from a global perspective. This spring, after reading Linda Sue Park’s book, A Long Walk to Water, featuring two children from southern Sudan and their country’s ongoing struggle to get clean […]
Kent Place Fifth Graders Showcase Experiments During Annual Science Fair
The Kent Place Class of 2022 showcased their science skills at the annual Fifth Grade Science Fair on Thursday, May 14. After working on their projects for several weeks, students presented their experiments and results to faculty, family and fellow students. In preparation for the Science Fair, students designed their own experiments while following the […]
What is a Bottle Brick Bench and Why Build One?
During the past two academic years, RPCS students have been collecting plastic waste and plastic bottles in order to create and build a bottle brick bench – the second one to be built in the state of Maryland. Martha Barss, Environmental Education and Sustainability Coordinator, along with the 4th and 5th Grades have been directing […]
Aspen Academy Presents . . . .
Aspen Academy students performed in two school-wide musicals this year. “The Sound of Music” was presented in the fall and just last week, “The Little Mermaid” opened. Our theatre program brings together actors ranging in age from second grade to eighth grade. The students offer support to each other and work together as a team […]