Milton Hershey School Students Skype with Author
A group of elementary students had the opportunity to Skype with children’s illustrator/author Aaron Becker. It was a wonderful time for students to interact with someone they admire. It also was a great lesson on how to incorporate technology into their school work. At MHS, every student’s learning experience is enhanced through the use of […]
Milton Hershey School Leaders For Life
What does leadership look like? This is just one of the many topics Milton Hershey School® students explored during the Leaders for Life conference hosted by Student Government Association in Feb. 2015. “A leader is not arrogant,” said junior Shaelah Best. “It takes a lot of humility. You have to be willing to make other […]
Put on Your Math Goggles! Seeing Math in a Paul Klee
Third graders at All Saints’ Episcopal School recently donned their math goggles and engaged in a number and geometry exploration using the visual arts as a lens. Students learned about the Swiss-German painter, Paul Klee (1879-1940), and used his “Marjamshausen” (1928) as a springboard to exploring a variety of mathematics. Using pattern blocks, markers, and […]
Entrepreneurs Find Inspiration, Creativity in Startup Class
Visitors to Carrollwood Day School can’t walk by the Center for Innovation without stopping for a second look. The walls are covered with writing, desks are arranged in random configurations, and students are using twitter to connect with others. This isn’t an out-of-control classroom; it’s CDS’s inaugural Design Entrepreneurship Technology class, and students have been […]
Failed Experiments Lead to Extensive Learning
In November, Junior Kindergartners in Abbie Bowen’s class at The Experiential School of Tampa Bay put bean seeds into bags; they placed some on their classroom windows and dropped others into outdoor planters. The goal: discover the difference between the inside and outside growth of their seeds. They were excited and optimistic about the project. […]
Students Collect Jeans for Homeless Teens
Old Trail School students collected 344 pairs of jeans for the Teens for Jeans drive in February, bringing the School’s six-year total to 1,751 pairs. The project is part of the annual national campaign sponsored by Aeropostale and DoSomething.org, a nonprofit organization for young people and social change. This program encourages young people to collect […]
Kent Place Middle School Science Expo Showcases Student Research Projects
Kent Place teachers, students and families gathered for an evening celebrating scientific exploration. They observed research projects created by Middle School students on display in Kent Place’s Great Room for the annual Science Expo. The sixth grade students’ research projects tested various claims made about consumer products. For example, a team hypothesized how effective certain […]
SBS Student Selected for Highly Competitive South Africa Summer Program
Stoneleigh-Burnham School junior McKim Jean-Pierre has been selected to receive a full, merit-based scholarship to attend an intensive summer leadership training program in South Africa. McKim was one of 15 students selected from 200 applicants for the highly competitive Experiment Leadership Institute, a program of The Experiment in International Living (EIL). McKim is an International […]
Growth Mindset Challenge Inspires Teachers and Students
February was “Growth Mindset Challenge” month at Mayfield Junior School. Since report cards went home at the end of January, February seemed an ideal time to renew our efforts to support growth mindsets. Lower School Director, Laura Kennedy, asked each teacher to read “Mindsets in the Classroom” by Mary Cay Ricci, and to share practical […]
Whose Classroom Is It Anyway?
For days or even weeks before the first day of school, teachers all over the world are busy setting up their classrooms. There are bulletin boards to be covered, supplies to be organized, notebooks and folders to be labeled, books to be sorted and displayed…..but in the 4th grade classroom at Charles River School, teachers […]
PreK Robotics Program
Like all students at the thematically driven Charles River School, PreKindergarteners are encouraged to ask questions, explore concepts with a hands-on approach, and reflect freely on what they learn and understand. This approach was the backbone of a robotics theme that was first introduced last year and will continue with this year’s PreK class. Teachers […]
Living Classroom Being Constructed at Charles River School
On the outskirts of the Charles River School campus in Dover lies a piece of land owned by the school that is often overlooked. To the untrained eye, the land appears to be an overgrown plot with some soggy soil, but if given the chance to explore, you will see much more. The land is […]