Inspired by S.A.I.L. – Science & Art Integrated Learning
Shore’s unique S.A.I.L. (Science and Art Integrated Learning) program for pre-k through third grade encourages learners to explore the world through creativity. Young students learn to appreciate the beauty and wonder of the natural world through hands-on explorations as both artists and scientists, and through experimentation with a variety of media. Children are inspired and […]
Advice to My 30 Year Old Self
Students from Julia Morgan School for Girls, a 6-8 grade middle school in Oakland, CA, were asked what advice they would give to their 30 year old self. The video was produced by Career Girls, a local non-profit organization dedicated to highlighting diverse women role models for girls.
Put on Your Math Goggles! Seeing Circles Art
Pre-Kindergarteners enrolled in the Early Childhood Program at All Saints’ Episcopal School recently donned their math goggles and engaged in a mathematics activity using the visual arts as a lens. The children learned about the American painter, Wayne Thiebaud (1920 – present), and used his “Seven Suckers” (1970) as a springboard to discussing attributes and […]
The Ethics Institute at Kent Place School Partners with Local Public Schools in Honor of Respect Week
Throughout October, The Ethics Institute at Kent Place School (EIKPS) presented a series of assemblies titled, “Ethics 101 – Jr.” at the Lincoln-Hubbard Elementary School and Franklin Elementary School in honor of NJ Respect Week. The goal of the assemblies was to promote the value of respect and kindness through the use of video prompts, […]
The Ethics Institute at Kent Place School’s Ethics in Action Program Spends Weekend at Georgetown University
Five teams of students and teachers from Kent Place School and Trinity Hall spent the weekend at Georgetown University’s EthicsLab to explore the over-arching question: What are the ethical issues involving food in your school community? The Ethics Institute at Kent Place School partnered with Georgetown University’s Kennedy Institute of Ethics’ Ethics Lab to launch […]
Researching the Day of the Dead
For the November 1st and 2nd Day of the Dead holiday, Montgomery School students in Chester Springs, PA, turned their sixth grade Spanish classroom into a “graveyard!” Each student was asked to pick a famous Hispanic who has passed away, research them, and then create a tombstone for that person. The tombstones were then set […]
Connecting the Dots
The Germantown Friends School Lower School is covered in dots. No, it’s not a Chickenpox outbreak! It’s a mind-opening, community-focused art project that began with the best-selling children’s book The Dot. In the book, by Peter H. Reynolds, a young girl believes that she is unable to draw. Her teacher tells her, “Just make a […]
‘Iolani School’s Redesigned Art Space
‘Iolani School redesigned its Lower School art room to provide a more open and creative space for students. Here, a special “hands on” project demonstrates why the arts at ‘Iolani are alive and thriving.
Students Share Their Identities in Conversations About Race
When faced with a disagreement with a friend, do students know how to respond? Do some feel they can’t talk about race for fear of making others uncomfortable? Are there differences in their academic and social experience based on race? Students at Ethical Culture Fieldston School begin to discuss ethics at an early age, and […]
Raising Servant Leaders
Last week, Shiloh visited Trinity’s 3rd graders to tell his story. Shiloh is a teacher, and Shiloh has a love for children. Shiloh is also a homeless man who spends his days at the Urban Ministry Center and his nights sleeping on the streets of Charlotte. His story is not unique and is one we […]
Friends School Baltimore fourth, fifth graders partner with Baltimore City Public School peers on World Peace Game
Over 11 weeks beginning on Tuesday, Oct. 27, 2015, 15 Friends School 4th and 5th graders and 15 of their counterparts from Robert W. Coleman Elementary in the city’s Mondawmin community will gather twice weekly at Friends for an after-school club dedicated to playing the World Peace Game. (Note: Mondawmin was among the communities affected […]
Identity and Design Project Asks Students to Consider “Who Are You?”
To conclude and celebrate the end of their first unit on Identity — part of their Social Justice and Cultural Understanding (SJCU) class — Seattle Girls’ School eighth graders take on an interesting challenge: design a pair of shoes that represents their many identities. Early in the year, the class actively considers and discusses with […]