Kent School's Grateful Story – A Video
Each year at Kent School, our Head of School, Nancy Mugele, chooses a word of the year that guides us in thoughts, actions and writing. This year, the word that guides is GRATEFUL. At the start of the school year, everyone at Kent School received a Gratitude Journal. We encourage students and employees to take […]
ESD's AP Physics 2 Holds Recyclable Watercraft Race
Last month, The Episcopal School of Dallas Upper School science teacher Matt Varvir challenged his AP Physics II class to construct a watercraft out of recyclable materials that could float on its own. Using cardboard, aluminum, or plastic, the raft should support at least 150 lbs of weight when floating in the quarry. Further requirements […]
Bolles Focusing on Student Wellness, Mindfulness
Bolles leaders have been reflecting on ways the school community can help students manage stress, make healthy choices and better emphasize wellness in their daily lives. This focus has resulted in many new programs and initiatives, including participation in Stanford University’s Challenge Success program, the creation of Health & Wellness committees, the addition of a […]
To honor the International Day of the Girl on October 11, The Girls School of Austin held a Personal Care Supply Drive benefitting women and girls in the Austin Area. Students, faculty, and staff donated baby supplies, sanitary products, and hair care during this one-day drive. Most of the products collected went to Posada Esperanza […]
Exceptional Journey: An Inquiry Snapshot
Take an inquiry journey with Mid-Pacific first and second graders as they explore the concept of change and create their own definition of what is truly exceptional. At Mid-Pacific, we believe students must be knowledgeable, articulate and culturally competent to make a difference in the world today and in the future. We develop these skills […]
Building a Froebel Playground
As the inventor of Kindergarten Friedrich Froebel had a profound effect, not only on education, but on culture at large. Frank Lloyd Wright attributed his having become an architect to play with Froebel’s blocks. He said of Froebel’s gifts, 3, 4 and 5, “I can still feel those maple blocks in my hands to this […]
The Ethics Project at Rye Country Day School
Just after the conclusion of the 2018-19 school year, 14 Upper School students gathered for the fourth annual RCDS Ethics Project, a retreat developed by an interdisciplinary faculty collaboration aimed at expanding students’ knowledge and analytical skills around matters pertaining to ethical awareness and active, purpose-driven engagement. This year’s retreat examined ethics and the law, […]
Arts at 'Iolani School
The performing and visual arts programs at ‘Iolani School in Honolulu, Hawaii provide students with the experiences, resources, and opportunities to express themselves, discover their passions, and to explore the world and all of its possibilities.
Ethics and Young Learners: To Squish or Not To Squish?
Young children have a natural ability to feel empathy and compassion. For that reason, we decided to begin introducing ethics with our Kindergarten students through storytelling. We chose the book, “Hey, Little Ant” by Phillip and Hannah Hoose. It was a prefect tale to spur a dialog with small children about philosophical questions such as […]
Using Augmented Reality to Strengthen Community
“One of the things I love about our learning community is the way grade levels interact with each other,” says Mrs. Miller, the educational technology teacher. “While the buddy program formally matches younger students with older buddies, there are so many other ways students interact with one another. This project was great because the eighth […]
Students at St. Paul’s School for Girls Build Living History Exhibit for Alumnae Weekend
Students in the Women’s History elective at St. Paul’s School for Girls (SPSG) partnered with the Development Office to create a Living History Exhibit on the history of SPSG, which was displayed for the school’s reunion weekend. Beginning with primary source research in the school’s archives, students brainstormed topics of interest, research questions, and initial […]
Recycled Orchestra Brings Literacy to Life
Trash transformed into music in an interdisciplinary project that encouraged Corbett Prep students to flex their STEM skills, practice music composition and think globally. And it all began with a book. Students in first through fifth grade read “Ada’s Violin,” Susan Hood’s true story about the Recycled Orchestra of Cateura in Paraguay. Students learned that […]