Creative Teaching: Memorizing Becomes More Meaningful with a Tune

Creativity in the classroom is an every day occurrence at MJS. When students are engaged and excited about learning connections are made and growth happens. Mrs. Jaime Bradley, first grade teacher, wanted to bring one of her passions, singing, into the classroom. So, she decided to turn every lesson possible into memory songs. From classroom management and organization, to grammar and math skills, Jaime and her kids sing what they are learning all day long.

She starts each year in song with classroom rules, and then uses them throughout the year for everything from grammar and spelling to pronunciation and reading. Memorizing (and learning) becomes more meaningful with a tune!

“While they are working, I might sing the song about the rule they are practicing and then they sing along with me,” Jaime explains. “This reminds them of the rule as they work through the activity. I even use songs for classroom rules to remind them about things like putting your name and date on the page.”