Kent Place ‘Girls Eliminating Math Stereotypes’ Group Visits Princeton University

Seven members of the Kent Place Upper School organization Girls Eliminating Math Stereotypes (GEMS) visited Princeton University on Wednesday, February 11 to spend the day at the Princeton chemistry lab with members of the Princeton group, Female Researchers in Chemistry (FRIC). The day at Princeton included a panel discussion with FRIC. Members of FRIC spoke openly with GEMS about gender perception and stereotypes in their field and instances of bias that a few members had experienced.

GEMS member and Kent Place senior Alessandra Leong organized this trip by networking with a Princeton chemistry student who is working toward her Ph.D.

“Meeting FRIC was an amazing opportunity for GEMS,” stated Leong. “It was invaluable to speak with young women about their experiences in the academic and professional world and I was inspired by their motivation and dedication to their research. They serve as great role models for the Kent Place scholar-leaders interested in the STEM fields. I particularly benefited from their advice and wisdom as I move forward in my education.”

During the day, GEMS members also toured the chemistry lab building and met with a post-doctoral researcher and a chemistry professor.