Individual Development and Community Responsibility (InDeCoRe) at Peck

Great schools and great programs are built around faith in students. The Peck School makes this faith explicit through its award-winning InDeCoRe program. InDeCoRe stands for Individual Development and Community Responsibility. With leadership from administrators, teachers, and students, InDeCoRe programs permeate life at Peck, from Table Talk Tuesdays, when lunch tables hum with conversation around topics selected as developmentally appropriate by the chosen InDeCoRe student leaders, to each trimester’s “Kairos” night. On these evenings, following a day of reflection and conversation around a designated school value, students set aside homework and other routines to simply, as Peck’s Joan Myers puts it, “do some of those things that 21st-century life makes so hard: to eat dinner as a family, maybe, or play a board game or watch a movie.” Deeply embedded into Peck’s culture, where character development and consideration of others have always been core ideals, InDeCoRe, says Myers, gives students a chance to live out “the idea that to be a good student, one must first be a good person.”